coffee, faith, family, faves, favorite things, food, holidays, house, joy, love, ministry, winter

Thanksgiving Traditions

Traditions in my favorite spot đźŹˇ. 94th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on @nbcnews @macys.

Feeling super blessed and thankful. Growing up, my dad took us to all of the holiday parades in our hometown. I think of being on top his shoulders and wearing his hat so that I could see all of the floats and marching bands with my two sisters.

Enjoy your joy today- these are the moments we wait all year for! God is sovereign- give thanks unto the Lord for He is good.

Psalm 136:1-9 
1 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.2 O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever.3 O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever.4 To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever.5 To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever.6 To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.7 To him that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever:8 The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever:9 The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

XOXO, Whitney

baby, blogs, faith, family, faves, favorite things, gospel, house, joy, love, marriage

Making the Absolute Most of It!


During this new social distancing era, our family has definitely been “making the most of it!” Our days are filled with family time, sunshine, and lots of good laughter- whether that includes going for a family walk outdoors and pushing Esriel in his stroller, popcorn and movie night with my boys with blankets on our living room floor, catching up on a game of playful basketball with my boys, and cooking homemade meals as well as savoring a family dinner together at the table. We are surely “making the most of it.”

I’ve prayed so much during this time, and I have also reflected. I opened up one of my favorite books again after putting it on a long pause (mainly because I read several books in tandem). It was Emily Ley’s book “Grace, Not Perfection.” This book is so good when you need it the most. And the past few weeks, I have definitely needed it the most, more than ever. The challenge of school being out indefinitely, and the kids most likely missing the entire end of the year, along with the pressure of having to basically “homeschool” and turn into supermom and teacher virtually overnight. I picked up this book and it reminded me to take things SLOWLY, and to also- be present. …To be super-present with my children.

Don’t just be there, but be there- be an active participant. Savor those sweet and endearing moments, get down on your child’s level and look them in the eyes, smile deeply when they are joyful, and give tons of hugs!! It’s been a whirlwind, but since reading a few more pages of this book, coupled with my bible, I am ok; and I know that God has us in the palm of His glorious and comforting hands. There have been so many God-moments where my husband and I have seen the goodness of the Lord surrounding us during this time. He also has you and your family in the palm of His hands. God says in His word- if you are His child, there is no good thing that He will withhold from you. Keep that expectant faith that we can all overcome this together.

And how cute are me and hubby in this photograph? It kind of feels like we are dating again- and that gives me the greatest joy!!

Keep the faith & Pray fervently, friends!


faith, family, house, love, marriage, ministry



Well, the Lord does it again. Winter brings me a little lower each year. I am cold-natured and it is very difficult for me to bear colder months. Sometimes I get weary, thinking about the long trudge that I have to make in the mornings to my campus building for work—and how frozen my face and legs get—(every) (single) (morning).

And, it may seem like nothing—but, cloudy days and rainy days affect moods, and sometimes I allow it to affect mine– but, praise God, Spring is coming. Spring is on the way. Today, the Lord showed me up and told me that I can handle anything, because He can. And, I’m His child.

The scripture on my Bible app was this: Isaiah 40:28, “Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.”

This touched my core because God was telling me through this scripture—sometimes things get hard, and sometimes we have to endure—but, don’t faint, don’t complain… you can do it, even through your weariness. “I AM with you.” You may get cold in your body, your mood may change with the seasons, but I the Lord CHANGETH NOT. Hold onto my unchanging hand and remain happy and joyful.

(The photo here is from my husband and I’s anniversary this year. Flowers remind me of God’s creation, Spring, the beauty of nature and warmer weather to come. The Lord is so gracious).


faith, family, finance, house, love, marriage

Adventures in Homeownership!

We’ve only been living in our new home for 5 months, and the joy that it has brought us already is so astounding!! Here are a few of our portraits in and around our new home. We feel so blessed and thank the Lord very often for this gift of homeownership!



I just adore my sons Daniel O’Brien and Gabriel Elijah. Seeing them every day run around our home, wrestling, running up and down the stairs, climbing on furniture, leaving their sticky hands on the walls, all of it just makes me so joyful (even the aftermath!). I love seeing them happy and thriving, thanks again Jesus.

I love how my husband comes home every day and takes care of the grounds and the grass. He turns his sprinklers on every week to make sure that his grass is thriving. He also takes pride in taking care of our new rose bushes in the front of our home, as well as taking care of a Peace Lilly plant that his sister gave us for our housewarming. He has also adopted a baby tree and repotted her in our backyard. Whoever would have thought that a big burly man such as Daniel would have such a green thumb and a love for even the littlest of nature.

You said that if we are FAITHFUL over a FeW things, HALLELUJAH, that YOU would MAKE us RULER over many! Glory.

Whitney Wilson

faith, family, finance, house, love, marriage

We Are New Homeowners!

I feel like praising GOD! For, HE is GOOOOOD to me! He loves me with an unconditional love, and He rains (reigns) down His glorious presence on me!

My husband and I recently purchased a BRAND NEW HOME! After 5 years of marriage, THIS WAS THE BEST ANNIVERSARY GIFT THAT A WOMAN COULD ASK FOR! I feel like shouting because the Lord is faithful. He said in His word that if we are faithful over a few things, that he would make us ruler over MANY things!

Welcome HOME, Wilson’s!


Our home is on 0.29 acres of 1 lot in the countryside of Winterville; it has 2,648 square feet of brand new construction! We spent 1-year planning and preparing, 2 months of paperwork and 6 hours in time spent closing at the law office!

God gave us a field for Daniel and Gabriel to run in, AMAZING neighbors whom we’ve already met and support from MANY family and friends! We spent a lifetime of praying and have 1 God who is in the midst of it all!! The Lord is good! Daniel and I are ready to make our house a HOME!

I can envision so many family dinners here, many breakfasts in bed with our hotel-style bedding and decor, many mornings at the bar area sipping hot coffee, and MANY evenings on the patio enjoying the warm summer air!!

Keep us in your prayers and we will do the same for you.

Bless you Jesus, for I am GLAD!

Whitney Wilson

church, faith, gospel, house, love, marriage, ministry, whitney creative group

Hope Anchors the Soul


An anchor is something that is dropped into the ocean to dock a boat or a ship; to keep it sturdy, in place and still.

When the wave of life’s problems and issues come crashing in, we have a hope which is found in Jesus, anchoring the very depths of our souls.

Hebrews 6:19 says, “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;”

Sometimes our souls rage and run freely with emotions that are purely based upon hidden feelings, circumstances and situations, oftentimes caused by the ones the closest to us, including our spouses. Those emotions often contain undealt with and hidden desire, envy, hurt, and pain all of which are outwardly manifested in our behavior toward one another.

When we turn away from one another by doing or saying hurtful things and allowing ugly things to come out of our mouths, we shamelessly feel as though we have freed ourselves from a situation that has made us feel bound. But, not so. These emotions must be dealt with and tamed. Untamed emotions can cause our hearts to run sinfully wild and free.

In Jesus, our hearts CAN become comforted and steady; our souls can be still and tamed. When our souls are on one accord with our spouse and when we are tamed with hope during stressful situations, our strength is made full. Our hope becomes sure (anchored) and sustained.

Strive for that persistent hope that keeps you anchored in your walks with Jesus. In Jesus our hearts and our souls must be anchored in order to maintain stability in this life.

|| S O N G ||

Old Hymnal: “If you soul is not anchored in Jesus, you will SURELY drift away.”

|| P R AY E R ||

Dear Jesus, restore us to one accord in our minds and in our marriages. Let Your glorious steadfast hope be an anchor for our souls. Lead and guide our emotions in our marriage, friendships, with our families, co-workers and simply in this life.

Let our SOULS be anchored in You, Jesus, with an unwavering hope. Calm the raging seas of our hearts and keep us in Your sweet, sweet presence. Abide in us Jesus and do a good work in our lives.

Keep us anchored in You so that we drift not away with the cares and lure of this life. In You, hope for tomorrow is found, and in Your mighty shelter are we calmed from our fears, doubts and unbelief. Blanket us with Your holy hope that anchors the soul.

|| C O N N E C T ||

Gracefully His,

Whitney Wilson

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Our first home

Wow, Lord. You’ve blessed us so. Daniel and I got the keys to our first place yesterday. We were so elated, taking photos of the custom key duplicates and looking at them in our hands.

After we went shopping for blinds, we went to our new home and ate our first meal together—Cook Out—standing up in the kitchen by the bar. It was dark out, and all we could do was eat and look at eachother. We were standing in our new kitchen. And, it was perfect. We shared our first kiss in our home, and anointed the doorposts. We prayed over the home and asked the Lord to bless it and everything in it.

These are photos of the inside of the home! UgH I’m so elated! I’m so grateful I cannot say enough. God is good!!!! Look at the stairs, the Lord loves us– the carpet before had tons of stains throughout so we mentioned it to them and the replaced they carpet for us! Great God, it was blue before! At first I didn’t like the blue but I just knew it would grow on me. Daniel took these photos, the second one is of the master. Ughh the bay window we’re so excited about. You can do so much with that– pillows, long drapes. Wow I opened the windows and let the fresh air in, felt the breeze, what a joy. The closet on the right is the walk-in closet. It’s pretty big, we’re happy.

The walls are so bare, but we are so looking forward to decorating, I’m gleaming!! I went through and cleaned up the entire home (soap and water bucket with a clorox solution), washed the sinks up, toilets and tubs. Scrubbed the kitchen, did the refrigerator, ran the dishwasher. All for my boo so it would be clean for him when he stays there tonight. And fresh for me when I return after the wedding!!

Thank God and Lord bless our home!,
