faith, family, gospel, love, testimonies

Healing Waters

We’ve had a very rough few weeks. We lost my precious daddy-in-law, Daniel’s Father on June 5. This was so unexpected for us, and my heart still hurts.

We took a day trip to our most special, favorite beach to catch some sand and sun today. A few hours into our time there, I told my husband: “I’ve tried to be happy today, and it’s just not working.”

I miss the man he was–his character, his valor, his place in our family and our church home.

Today at the beach was the beginning of true healing. That was my prayer several days after we got the news–Lord, heal our wounds, and our aching hearts.

So, today was the start of that. The first time where even in the midst of the pain that I was feeling and experiencing even right there on that beach–I got in the ocean, sat in the sand, and let the waves rush over me. It was freeing, it was cleansing… and, it was the beginning of healing. Healing Waters.

I was as “happy” as happy could be in this moment. Some days are harder than others. One day at a time.

Ocean waves
Salty noses
Sandy toes 
A breeze sweeping my neck
Wind wafting through my mane
The Breath of my Almighty GOD
…Healing waters 

Wash my cares right away, O Lord. Into the beachy sea.

I got chills when I sat with this moment. Asking the Lord to take away my anxiety, and to be with me through this overwhelming grief. He was there. My God was there with me. I hadn’t felt His comfort and great care in weeks–it was only because I had not invited Him in. Bless you, Jesus and keep me near the cross, Lord.

I was then comforted even more by the precious Holy Spirit. He whispered unto me:
“when you go through deep waters, I WILL BE WITH YOU”


college, faith, faves, favorite things, gospel, joy, love, marriage, ministry, modesty, testimonies

I AM His

It’s been a LONNNGGG TIME since I’ve blogged here, but LET’S JUMP RIGHT BACK IN :)! The Lord has spoken to me, and led me back to blogging here, as a means of protecting my heart and not giving it away so freely to people that I know in real life–he knows how this can affect someone, especially those who are super empathetic–isn’t He a good God?!! Amen!

Merciful God has been with me, and continued to see me through, hallelujah and for that I am grateful. Continue to see me through, my Jesus.

❤️ ❤️

How have you been, friends?

I wanted to take a moment to share a part of my story with you–this is long, but it is good. On this day, January 11–17 years ago, 2006, I truly began living for Christ and got saved, asking Him to come into my heart, right from my dorm room. I had just transferred to a new college for a fresh start, and I was in an unfamiliar town that somehow still felt like home.

I was 20 years old. Of course I was baptized and accepted Jesus in my pre-teen years, but this time it felt different. It felt more real, and I knew the commitment that I was making—a life of sacrifice unto God and saying no to the things and actions that displease Him.

I purposed in my heart, no more teetering, no more being untethered—I wanted Jesus as my secure ground, my solid rock.

Since then, He filled me with His Holy Spirit three years later in 2009, and sent me my forever husband in 2011. All of this happened within a 5-year time span of giving Jesus my heart and trusting Him with my will.

I live for Christ because He called me to this life. He chose me. I am His. 

Every day I choose Jesus. Every day I repent of any wrong, and ask the Lord to cleanse me of any unrighteousness and set my feet back on His high, holy hill.

You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be willing. Come one, come all—come as you are to Jesus, the fountain that never runs dry. The One who knows your soul right well.

Let me pray for you today, that you will find God if you haven’t felt the fullness of who He is yet. He’s waiting for you.

Hopefully with this post you can feel like you know Whitney a little better—where the passion comes from, the fire, and the steadfastness. He’s worthy!


After I shared this piece of my story with one of my social accounts, a young lady in Christ whom I am friends with on social commented:

“This is the kind of love we can get when we open our hearts to him! Thank you for sharing this testimony 💜

I sat with it and instantly:

  • Him sending me Daniel was an example of His love for me.

I never looked at it this way. WOW. I must sit with this. But, in the meantime all I can do is say: INCREDIBLE GOD, I THANK YOU.

Before I met Daniel, I DO REMEMBER PRAYING A VERY SPECIAL PRAYER. I SAID: “Lord, surprise me.” I met him later that year.

Just as the Holy Spirit is a gift to every believer who chooses to believe, so is Daniel. He was my gift. Why would you give a gift back?


Your Daughter,

coffee, faith, family, faves, favorite things, food, holidays, house, joy, love, ministry, winter

Thanksgiving Traditions

Traditions in my favorite spot 🏡. 94th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on @nbcnews @macys.

Feeling super blessed and thankful. Growing up, my dad took us to all of the holiday parades in our hometown. I think of being on top his shoulders and wearing his hat so that I could see all of the floats and marching bands with my two sisters.

Enjoy your joy today- these are the moments we wait all year for! God is sovereign- give thanks unto the Lord for He is good.

Psalm 136:1-9 
1 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.2 O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever.3 O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever.4 To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever.5 To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever.6 To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.7 To him that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever:8 The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever:9 The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

XOXO, Whitney

baby, blogs, faith, family, faves, favorite things, gospel, house, joy, love, marriage

Making the Absolute Most of It!


During this new social distancing era, our family has definitely been “making the most of it!” Our days are filled with family time, sunshine, and lots of good laughter- whether that includes going for a family walk outdoors and pushing Esriel in his stroller, popcorn and movie night with my boys with blankets on our living room floor, catching up on a game of playful basketball with my boys, and cooking homemade meals as well as savoring a family dinner together at the table. We are surely “making the most of it.”

I’ve prayed so much during this time, and I have also reflected. I opened up one of my favorite books again after putting it on a long pause (mainly because I read several books in tandem). It was Emily Ley’s book “Grace, Not Perfection.” This book is so good when you need it the most. And the past few weeks, I have definitely needed it the most, more than ever. The challenge of school being out indefinitely, and the kids most likely missing the entire end of the year, along with the pressure of having to basically “homeschool” and turn into supermom and teacher virtually overnight. I picked up this book and it reminded me to take things SLOWLY, and to also- be present. …To be super-present with my children.

Don’t just be there, but be there- be an active participant. Savor those sweet and endearing moments, get down on your child’s level and look them in the eyes, smile deeply when they are joyful, and give tons of hugs!! It’s been a whirlwind, but since reading a few more pages of this book, coupled with my bible, I am ok; and I know that God has us in the palm of His glorious and comforting hands. There have been so many God-moments where my husband and I have seen the goodness of the Lord surrounding us during this time. He also has you and your family in the palm of His hands. God says in His word- if you are His child, there is no good thing that He will withhold from you. Keep that expectant faith that we can all overcome this together.

And how cute are me and hubby in this photograph? It kind of feels like we are dating again- and that gives me the greatest joy!!

Keep the faith & Pray fervently, friends!


faith, faves, favorite things, gospel, joy, love, ministry, music, testimonies



I adore listening to the radio in the mornings on our car-rides to work and school. The Lord is so gracious, beautiful and precious to me!! When I hear a Christian song that I love, I cling to it like it’s a new treasure find. Today the song, “Waymaker” by Michael W. Smith began playing. I tuned into the beat, I listened to the flow of the melody, and the glorious lyrics and I got chills. I knew that God was in that song- that it was a special song.

It goes… “You are here moving in my midst. I worship You. I worship You. You are here, working in this place- I worship You. I worship You.”

“Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise-Keeper, Light in the Darkness- MY GOD, that is Who You Are.”

The Lord comforted me with His presence a few weeks ago. He came to me in my spirit and said, “You didn’t derail- you just took a detour. Stay the Course.”

GOD sees the beginning from the end and I found SO MUCH COMFORT in His connection with me that day- HE IS SO GLORIOUS. Stay the course and continue to bless our God.


career, faith, faves, joy

New Career: Diversity Affairs


I previously shared this blog post on my career blog two months ago at and I wanted to park it here as well.

I never knew that my journey to a new career in Diversity Affairs would be so soon. Earlier this year in March 2019, my husband and I were on our way to my nephew’s birthday party about 1.5 hours away from our home. In the car, we engaged in the most in-depth and intentional dialogue about being Black in America. I was the one who initiated the dialogue since I had just been overlooked for a position at my current workplace in higher education. I inquired with him: “Why is it so hard to move up?” I had been stuck in an entry-level position for 5 years. But, Year-5 (this year), I was determined to finally do something about it. I went on an interview, which you can read about here, and did very well. Overall, the director covertly suggested that I was probably their final candidate, thus choosing me; but they did not. I cried (I know, big no no in academia and corporate America), and then I began writing. I began writing about politics in higher education, and just societal bias in general. I began drafting my dissertation during this trip in the car, before I ever knew that I would eventually need a dissertation.

It was through writing, discussing with my mentor (my husband), and praying, that I heard a small voice that said to me: “Keep Going.” I wrote this down on a pink sticky note, and put it on my PC monitor at work. I stared at that sticky note every day for 2 months until I landed my next career move: Business Services Coordinator in an academic college at my alma mater. I was happy. I found a great group of people, loved the work, loved the culture; and stayed there for 5 months.

“Only 5 months?!!” That’s exactly what I said to myself when I put in my resignation letter. Ultimately, I was confident in my decision to leave and pursue the next endeavor, because of a dream that I had, and a small voice that again spoke to me; and said: “You’re on the Good Path.” Those were the only words that I needed to hear to know that we were heading somewhere “good.” I am currently serving as the Diversity Coordinator for a medical school in Eastern North Carolina. I know my story and how I got here- and I wanted to share it with you too. Most times, we do not see the future from the beginning- but God does. God will set your feet on the right path, and tell you to Keep Going. Keep going: take a few stops along the way (in various job roles), but keep going until you reach your destination (your ultimate career). That’s where I am.

My journey of “DO” [do more than just dream] began when I started my master’s degree in 2015, and graduated from the program in 2017. I did my work. Now where was my harvest? Where were the fruits of my labor? When was I going to see it? I did not see it until nearly 2 years later (this year, 2019). This year has been my year of continued “DO.” I am no longer just dreaming, thinking of what could be- I am now chasing my dreams, chasing the aspirations that the Lord has laid in my heart- and going after what He wants me to have; going after what He has prepared for me, and what has been waiting for me: “A man’s heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth His steps.” Proverbs 16:9. 

I am finally at a place where my talents, drive and ambition are now constantly being harnessed, into something wonderful that will touch the lives of many. My work here will be meaningful and impactful; and will have a positive lasting impression on others. It’s only week-one, and the Lord has me on this upward career trajectory that I never saw coming- and definitely not this early. I will embrace it. I will push myself. I will continue to dive outside of my comfort zone, and I will stay committed to the big vision.

GOOD WORK happens when GREAT PEOPLE are intentional about their duty in serving others, and their eager desire to see faculty, students, and their colleagues succeed. Instead of “aspiring to sit at a table where I have to bring my own chair,” (which believe it or not, I actually had to do once in a room full of women); my God has carved out a special seat for me- in a department that is expanding, and whose growth initiatives I get to pilot. If you let the Lord be your Pilot and your Captain, He’ll always make sure that special care is taken to help you rise to the occasion, and He’ll give you a special seat at the table :).

I heard a quote once that said, “God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” One week prior to being offered the Diversity Coordinator position, I had a dream where someone called my husband on the phone and he missed the phone call- the phone stopped ringing; he didn’t answer it in time. This has been interpreted for me and the season that I am in, to mean: “Do not miss the call[ing].” I got offered the position one week later- and I undoubtedly accepted. Answer His call today- recognize the good path that He has you on, and WALK THEREIN. You will not know everything upfront, but you WILL SEE it revealed to you along the way. He will put you in the right place, around the right people, and in the right timing.

What I am grateful for, is to be chosen for a responsibility and duty such as this. I will be partnering with diversity groups all across our university to enrich the appreciation of diversity at the medical campus, and facilitate educational programming for our students. I am so happy to have this opportunity to change the lives of many medical students, and begin some really impactful work.

Thank you to all of my new field mentors- I am thrilled about the ongoing and progressive work of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Whitney D. Wilson, MA

baby, career, faith, favorite things, gospel, graduate school

From “Dreamer” to “Do-er!”



I recently experienced the most heavy hitting blow that I’ve ever experienced in my career in higher education. I was closer than close to what I call “my dream job.” After two stellar interviews for the same position, my dream came crashing down when I saw that this position was re-posted for others to apply to. That means that they did not choose me.

How could they not choose me? Every CLUE, and action, and WORDS SPOKEN, pointed… To me. I was crushed. My heart hurt so bad, for two weeks straight because I hadn’t guarded my heart (Proverbs 4:23) closely enough, preparing my mind for what could very well be the end result.

My world came crashing down before me. I got rejected. My first major blow. It hurt so bad because it was something that I really, really wanted — I mean — I thought about it, dreamed about it, prayed about it, talked about it and studied for it — and oh my goodness, they loved me too! And, the worst part of all was that I would never know why I wasn’t chosen.

Do Your Work

My husband and I’s friends called to pray with us on the phone later that week. One said: “Whitney **did the work**and got her master’s degree.”

“…she did her work!”

Yes, I “did the work” by earning an advanced academic degree. I was now qualified. I started my master’s in 2015 and finished my master’s in 2017. Between then and now, I’ve carried and gave birth to my 3rd son in 2018.

Between 2014 to 2019 I feel like I have been unintentionally “dreaming” for 5 years about my career aspirations, instead of “doing” more to achieve it. I may have earned my master’s, but I’m not working in my field… I was not actively in a place of “do,” but instead stagnant in a place of just “be.”

This was a wake-up call from my dreams– an alarm clock. This entire experience was almost like I was in an exploratory world– I got to see what could be, in every sense of a career and what it means to be “well-off,” that one could ever want. I got a taste of what it means to go after what you want… and to win; and it tasted really good. I wanted more of the possibility of winning– being chosen. I wanted more of that!

So, today I say that this year is my year of “DO” it instead of just “DREAM” about it. Do more! Do MORE work! I will progress in my career this year. This year, I will DO. Doing your work does not make you exempt from rejection, it just gives you more strength to endure the rejection.

God’s Comfort

God came in through scripture and through dedicated time spent with Him in His word and comforted me during this time. Close family and friends prayed with us on prayer phone calls, and God also came in through messages delivered during weekly church services. God came in and calmed my weary soul regarding this situation of rejection that we had recently experienced, and the terrible pain of not knowing what went wrong in the decision process. He said that there is more, and to put my trust in Him alone- and not man (Psalm 118:8).

He’s teaching me to curb my expectations and to “keep going.” No matter what- keep going; keep applying to careers, keep developing your resume, and keep the faith.

None of this would have ever happened had I not stepped outside of my social apprehensions, did my work, took a risk, and went after what I wanted. Had I not stepped out on faith, yes- I would have been safe from rejection. Yet, still stagnant in my career.

Let this be your year of DO, and not just DREAM. DO YOUR WORK!

Be encouraged, because Jesus knows that I am!!


faith, faves, favorite things, gospel, joy, love, testimonies


Unsolicited Testimonies and Encouragement!


You all have been a great blessing to me! You never know the effect that your words can have on someone, until you experience it for yourself. Sometimes these words of encouragement from sweet friends and strangers, mixed with God’s word and a beautiful scripture- keep me going so good! God is so good and so merciful; and I am  happy to be a blessing to others! Never underestimate the power of an encouraging note!!

Apr. 22, 2019 – “Handsome family! I love the bow ties! Yes, and the coral bottoms are awesome, too! They are da bomb, those boys! And the little one looks so happy to be with them! You are truly blessed!” -Lisa Permo

Apr. 21, 2019 – “Happy Easter to you too! Happy christens to the baby! You are smashing in your new dress! Your boys and hubbie look great, too!” -Kim Marcantonio

Apr. 21, 2019 – “This is precious!!! They belong in a magazine!” -Amy Ferguson

Apr. 21, 2019 – “You have an adorable family! 💕” -Jule Linihan

Apr. 21, 2019 – “Your dress coordinates with their outfits perfectly! Wonderful photos!” -Sara Graham

Apr. 16, 2019 – “Wow wow wowww!!!! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!! God is soooo faithful! Excited for you! 🎉🎉🎉🎉” -Abigail Folds

Apr. 16, 2019 – “Woohoo!!! This is so exciting! Congrats to you! 😍💐💐💐💐💐💐😘” -Carisa Tyler

Apr. 16, 2019 – “Outstanding!!! Love watching you flourish! You shine on ⭐️” -Kelly Divito

Mar. 7, 2019 – “Amen. Love yall family. Be encouraged. God knows all and his timing is right.” -J. Ikard Jr.

Mar. 7, 2019 – “Great word!” -Jason R.

Mar. 6, 2019 – “Hey man, someone shared this song with me and after I read Whitney’s post online I thought of you all. Sending this your way and hoping it blesses you like it did me.” -M. Coleman

Mar. 5, 2019 – “I thought about a key word you said during your prayer. “Rebuking self-sabotage”. It really stuck out to me… in other words, don’t blow the chance at an opportunity and talk myself out of things. God is working things out and I thank Him and you all as well. There is power in touching and agreeing and praying In God’s word. Can’t wait to hear you all’s testimony.” -C. Wilson

Feb. 19, 2019 – “You have the prettiest smile!!!” -Heather Breen @heatherbreentraveler // “She does!! It’s so full of joy! 💖” -Carisa Tyler @cheeky_flamingo8

Feb. 8, 2019 – “You look absolutely beautiful! Jesus’ light shines through you! ☀️” -Aleah Jane @aleah_jane_in_lilly

Colossians 3:23, And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

faith, family, food, holidays, joy, love, marriage

Merry Christmas! 2018

Hi everyone!,

I hope that you had the best Christmas Holiday that one could ever hope for and imagine. I spent Christmas this year with my husband’s family. We enjoyed eachother so good- the Lord is so amazing. Our “Uncle Mayne” (my children’s Uncle) took a beautiful video for our family’s time together during Christmas. My heart is so full!!

christmas 2018


Christmas 2018-2.jpg

We also spent the Saturday before Christmas at my little sister’s home!! We did our annual “Christmas Eve Breakfast.” Oh, it was so so good. Blessed beyond measure sums it up so beautifully!!

God bless you all so abundantly,


baby, faith, family, gospel, joy, love

Upcoming Labor and Delivery – GOD With Us


Praise the Lord.

Daniel and I are so close to the birth of our third son. God has been so gracious to us throughout this pregnancy. I have told everyone that it has been the most easy, stress-free pregnancy out of the three that I’ve ever had. Is it because of the summertime? Or, is it because the Lord is with us? I believe that Jehohovah Shammah (“The Lord is There”) is with us.

Yesterday before bed, hubby felt a leading to pray over me, and anoint me and my belly where my dear son is. It warmed my heart to know that he wanted to pray over us, and ask the Lord to give us a touch and a safe delivery. He anointed me and my belly; he prayed and I prayed with him. We prayed together unto the Lord.

Afterward, he went downstairs to grab our Prayer “Bread Box” that his father gave to us when we first got married. The bread box contains a row of scriptures, or manna (bread) for one to pluck and read both front and back sides. He picked one – I picked one.

Mine said:

“In the day of my trouble, I will call upon thee:  for thou wilt answer me.” -Psalm 86:7

“When thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee.” -Isaiah 43:2a.

God is so amazing. He is alive, living and active in the lives of His children. These scriptures that the Lord allowed me to pluck, were just for me. Just for me and Esriel. It is referring to my upcoming childbirth. I never ponder labor and delivery until the actual moment, as to not become anxious– but the Holy Spirit says here, IN THE DAY OF MY (YOUR) TROUBLE, WHITNEY– I WILL ANSWER. Hallelujah – He has me in the palm of His holy hands. He will protect me.

The second scripture is REASSURANCE that HE will be protecting my baby Esriel throughout our labor and delivery. When I saw this scripture, I nearly cried. I felt chills and knew that the Lord was Jehovah Shammah, GOD WITH ME – for HE IS RIGHT THERE! “WHEN THOU (ESRIEL) PASSETH THROUGH THE WATERS (CHILDBIRTH), I WILL BE WITH THEE.”

My Lord, He is so good. He has blessed us- He calms my nerves, HE SPEAKS TO ME. HE KNOWS MY EVERY NEED, MY EVERY ANGST, MY EVERY CONCERN! Glory, Jesus!!!!!

You call me worthy, worthy of your blessings, worthy of your prayers, Jesus, worthy of your comfort. Thank you for being the God that I so desperately need every day of my human life. There are no words, no gratitude that can measure up to the ADORING LOVE that you have FOR ME and my family!!! You are insurmountable, holy, gracious and righteous Jesus!!


Songs: “In Christ Alone” by Keith and Kristyn Getty

God’s Beloved,

Whitney Wilson